Saturday, May 5, 2007

Simply Asia, simply OK

OK, so I didn't actually cook this, but since it's vegetarian food and I ate it for lunch today, I figured I could talk about it here. :) I like eating in for lunch at work. It saves me money and I think I eat healthier, too, because of it. I prefer to keep a few 'stock' items in my desk drawer at work, in case I'm rushed in the morning and can't prepare a lunch. Items from the Thai Kitchen work well cuz they are pretty cheap, easy to prepare and heat up in no time. In the past, I've purchased the Thai Peanut rice noodle dish. And, those are ok but they don't really fill me up. :( So, I thought I'd give the Simply Asia bowls a try since they were labled vegan.

I thought the more robust noodles filled me up a bit better than the original Thai Kitchen dishes. And the sauce for the sesame teriyaki was good. Overall I felt it was skimpy on the vegetables though, and a thumbs down for the bowl not being recycleable in my area.

I would buy this again, but probably not that often. I like to save dishes like this only for times when I'm in a pinch.

NOTE: I'll be on the road traveling this coming week, so no blog posts about my homemade meals until at least May 15. I will, however, be taking notes about some of the food I eat on the road and report back to my blog readers regarding the challenges of eating vegetarian while traveling. Have a good week!

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